
Digital transformation, higher education, innovation, technology, professional skills, management, and strategy

Artificial intelligence can help us recruit and hire people across industries. It might be fairer than we are when it comes to screening job seekers.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to reduce bias in hiring, particularly in male-dominated fields like tech. Research by Andreas Leibbrandt, an economist at Australia’s Monash University, suggests that when women know AI, rather than humans, will evaluate their job applications, they are more likely to apply. However, Leibbrandt emphasizes that humans should still have the final say in hiring decisions. While women in the study felt that AI was less biased than humans, men felt that the introduction of AI removed a perceived privilege they had with human recruiters. Overall, AI has the potential to transform the recruitment space by reducing bias and promoting a more even playing field.


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Visionary leader driving digital transformation across higher education and Fortune 500 companies. Pioneered AI integration at Emory University, including GenAI and AI agents, while spearheading faculty information systems and student entrepreneurship initiatives. Led crisis management during pandemic, transitioning 200+ courses online and revitalizing continuing education through AI-driven improvements. Designed, built, and launched the Emory Center for Innovation. Combines Ph.D. in Philosophy with deep tech expertise to navigate ethical implications of emerging technologies. International experience includes DAAD fellowship in Germany. Proven track record in thought leadership, workforce development, and driving profitability in diverse sectors.

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